Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Management Statistics

Before the end of my first term (SY 2009-2010) and before I forget all about my Tuesday night class, I have to write a little something on what's going on inside the four corners of our classroom.

The first night I entered her class was May 26, 2009 at RCBC, I was shockingly surprised to see the one who interviewed me for my graduate school application. Her name is Mrs. Marian T. Reyes ak.a. Winningwoes and she is my Management Statistics professor. The moment she uttered a word, the memory of my interview flashed back. Her voice resounded the entire room as if we have Dolby Surround Sound and THX working together.

I sat in front, first row, last columns, right in front of her the teacher's desk. She began her course orientation with passion and unwavering enthusiasm. Her energy level never went down and has not been since Day 1. She started off with Statistical Inference and the rest, I totally forgot. (Not really.)

I was a little relieved when she told the class that we can choose our permanent seat the following session, but we have to be early. I turned my head and my eyes searched for a better seat, or say somewhere not close to the "amplifiers." Thank God.

As she explained to us her "demands" for the term, which ,by the way, includes online chat (thanks to Yahoo! messenger), group report and critique, and group project, we hardly caught our breaths and swallowed everything she was saying. Good grief!

I don't want to be rude, so I won't say anything discriminating nor hurtful because I really admire my professor. I'm trying to be innocuous as possible. In all fairness, she is really good. Now, why do I say this? Because prior to my encounter with Winningwoes a lot of people are telling me that I will "terrorized" and "pressure-cooked" in her class. They were so right!I was and still am! Especially now that end-term exam and requirement deadlines are fast approaching! I just finished my online assignment the other night and I had to submit it before 11:59PM. I had to find a "mathtype" software just to have my "p-hat" shown in my computation and the file must not be over 300KB. Whew!

To give credit and highest honor (not I'm beginning to wonder should the professor be the one to give credit and honor to students?), I "blogged" because I want to release people from the fear of winningwoes. I personally learned not only to appreciate Statistics but also learn a lot of Statistical Methods because of Mrs. Reyes. I hope to remember them later for my compre and thesis, which are far from today.

Well, being at the "backseat" of the room did a little help with the "voice control" but the fact remains that if you will just listen to winningwoes and take her subject seriously, you will be learning a lot, as in A LOT!

Anyway, I will be talking more about my stat class this weekend as I go through the preparation of our group report on null hypothesis. Do the PHStat!

Hate her, but with the right perspective you'll definitely love her!

1 comment:

  1. I could only agree about everything you said about Winningwoes. She's my Stat101 professor in UPD and I experienced "hell" under her supervision. But then I love her and I'll definitely miss her baby-talking in class. :))
